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House in thy soul the flickerless lamp of love;

O way- lost dupe, relume the angel flame

In the wistful temple of dream: nurse in faith’s grove

The memorial rose of peace no thorn may shame.


Delivered from thy passions’ lurid gleams

And shadowing greeds, foes in the guise of friends,

Know: in the deep of hush the soul redeems:

She is the vanguard morn to darkness sends.


Her children in gloom, thy Motherland mourns and sighs,

Play Beauty’s flute like Krishna: thou art He.

If thou wilt wake- the world, a-quiver, shall rise

And mitred priests of love sing on with thee.

Hate never pays, though sorrows purify;

Be poised in thy Self of love – incarnate, free.

If love resign who shall reveal the sky?

Soul’s night is doom: her dawn – sure victory.


Be pledged to noble ways of the ancient Sun;

If lose thou must, let it be life – not love.

Shall clouds besiege thy star – dominion?

“Up! Time is fleeting!” – the bugle calls above!



From the Hindu Song of the Poet Abul Hafiz Jalandhari



Translated by:  Dilip Kumar Roy

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